1. 名人和角色
  2. Nature
  3. Weather

Winter MBTI性格类型


"Winter是什么人格? Winter是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/sx - 541,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中ILI类型。"

It’s interesting how this idea of Intj is also displayed in Vivaldi’s winter


Winter is the coldest season of the year in polar and temperate zones. Winter is usually considered the least desirable season: the short days and cold weather can be deadly to humans and animals alike, and no food can be grown. Winter or arctic warfare is one of the most notorious kinds there is. Freezing temperatures, heavy snow, ice. This can play havoc with vehicles, which have to be kept running all the time or at least started up a lot. This, naturally burns fuel. Infantry have it the worst. They will need warm clothing, blankets, something to generate heat, extra food, and shelter. Lacking any of these can mean trouble.
