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Tobi Brown (TBJZL) MBTI性格类型

Tobi Brown (TBJZL) MBTI性格类型 image


"Tobi Brown (TBJZL)是什么人格? Tobi Brown (TBJZL)是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - so/sx - 926,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中SEI类型。"

i'm extremely skeptical of aux Fe. does anyone have an explanation for Fe other than he cares for the people around him? Fi-Se can easily be mistaken for Fe when Fi is healthy: Fi gains an understanding of not exerting their own values over others because they wouldn't want it done to them, upholding internal morality, and paired with Se acting in the present moment, it can appear like typical Fe caring for the group around them. being a type 9 valuing harmony doesn't help, either. i've only recently gotten back into the sidemen, but from what i saw during 2016-2019 and have seen now, he has clear Fi > Fe. he's always the first to call the others out for what he deems bad behavior, he sets clear boundaries, he stands for what he believes in even when it goes against the group (see: any moresidemen would you rather), ect... nothing about him strikes me as Fe aside from, as previously stated, caring about people. also, can anybody give an example of inferior Ne or argue against inferior Te?


Youtuber who vlogs and plays games. Member of the sidemen https://www.youtube.com/user/TBJZL
