Kirio Ami MBTI性格类型


"Kirio Ami是什么人格? Kirio Ami是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sx/sp - 549,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

BEWARE! SPOILERS!! Where did INTP come from? I actually think he's an INFJ. He has a goal in mind that motivates him and pushes him forwards. He also thrives on the emotions and expressions of others' suffering. You need Fe to truly understand that. SPOILERS for Danganronpa 1: He's eerily similar to Junko Enoshima (ENFP) but the way he goes about it is different from how she does it. Junko uses Ne: The "connecting the dots" mentality, considering possible scenarios, fulfilling a goal achieving many things at once. Kirio uses Ni: The "main goal" mentality, going step by step slowly to make a single achievement come true (almost like an ideal), focusing on one thing at a time. Both Ni and Ne doms use similar methods when they have an extremely elaborate plan that they want to achieve. However the way his Ni-Ti works is that he wants to create a world where demons revert back to their origins and to see the expression of despair in another. I haven't gotten far in the manga yet, so I don't know his TRUE intentions so this is a work in progress. However, his Fe aux is pretty prominent. His desire to connect with another, the mask he puts on, the understanding of others' values more than his own, etc. Another idea that pops out to me is how Kirio reacted when another person tried to make Iruma despair other than him. I think that's his Ni-Fe possessiveness. For those who think he's an INTP, where is his Si? He doesn't care for himself, his health, his safety, or his basic needs in general. This is just what I think. Thank you for reading.


Kirio Ami (アミィ・キリヲ Amii Kiriwo) is a former third-year student in Babyls Demon School, and the former representative of the Magical Apparatus Battler. While his demon ranking is Beth (2) and is considered physically and magically weak demon, he was the mastermind behind the attack during the Battler Party and the main antagonist during that time. #CompleteMonster

类似Kirio Ami的动漫角色
