1. 名人和角色
  2. 剧院
  3. Angels in America

Harper Pitt MBTI性格类型


"Harper Pitt是什么人格? Harper Pitt是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的 - sx/so - 641,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

not done reading this. halfway. unfortunately. however. very much observing Ni in script and also performance? the burning of the dinner and the way her paranoia is grabbing so many external situations and funnelling them into a sense of impending doom is reading more like se-ni fear of future. the end times she is describing early in the play are backed by headlines and thinks happening outside. they are so far(this could be what changes my mind) seeming to be what is weighing on her and keeping her inside. her unhealthy ni is making all these se observations super internal and she is retreating in YIPPEEEE fi dom style. i see the performance of this actor on the cover and text conveying both wings of 5, so im currently inclined to put down 5w6, her most severe fight with joe escalated to ultimatums and threats for the sake of her being able to continue believing in their relationship and joe’s love. im willing to bet that she may have taken the persistent fear that joe doesn’t love her as much, and repurposed it into her own feelings in that fight to assimilate but also hold onto her security in her marriage. this is purely word vomit but there seems to be no comments holding a candle to me so i do in fact have the audacity to submit this comment!


Joe's wife, an agoraphobic with a mild Valium addiction, which results in her random delusions and imaginary friends. She is very distant from her husband and leaves him once she realizes he's gay.

类似Harper Pitt的剧院角色

