Lee Seung MBTI性格类型


"Lee Seung是什么人格? Lee Seung是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sx/so - 216,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中类型。"

How are they a "Ni-dom"? when Seung has made the sole purpose of his life to "serve" Noona. Due to his sentimental attachment and unrequited crush. Organising her life, catering to her whims, along with frequently cleaning up her mess. Where is the Ni? No INTJ would have the patience to deal with someone that chaotic and impulsive as their "boss" in a work environment. Let alone dedicate their time babysitting an adult . Especially, towards someone they are re in love with, their pride would not let them endure what Seung degrades himself into doing for Noona on a frequent basis. Furthermore, Seung provides no insight in how he perceives his future goals to be, he is clueless in that area. Indicating inferior Ne.


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