Alice Harmon MBTI性格类型


"Alice Harmon是什么人格? Alice Harmon是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的6w5 - sp/so - 694,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中ILI类型。"

Before starting my argument about why I think she’s INFP over INFJ or ISFP. I will clarify something, that's the writer didn't delve into her character which means we can type her by letters or cognitive function stereotype or even vibes, because the writer didn’t give us any information to type her in the right way. First, I think most of us agree that she gives IxFx vibes. and mental health is a good stereotype for INFx. Ok, In the opening to the finale of The Queen's Gambit, Beth and Alice visit Beth's father. Alice wants him to take Beth in, saying she can't parent her anymore... (she didn't take the responsibility which means P or high Ne, Se), also (She realized that she will lose her dignity if she continued, so she left to suicide and didn't try more= Fi). , and feels like she's letting her down... (she drop her responsibility bcz her feelings which means she uses high Fi also she know that Beth will make her struggle more, so she wants to get rid of her, which means Te). However, Beth's father has started a new life with his wife and child and tells Alice to leave... (she comes to her ex-husband even she know that he has a child and doesn't care about what he will feel or what he feels, Beth is his child also so he must take her... which means no Fe yes to Fi-Te). The accident that took Alice's life follows soon after, along with the realization that she purposefully caused the collision intended for it to kill both her and Beth... ((she run to action and suicide quickly when she feels down which means Fi-Se) also (she didn't try to find any other solutions (no logic T)), (she dives deep into her emotions and didn't even ask her daughter if she wants to live (no Fe just Fi)), besides (she didn't revenge or try to have ambitious (no Ni, no Te)), At the same time there are two reasons why she wants to kill Beth too ( one: she's selfish and didn't want to die alone= Fi, or two: she didn't want Beth to live a miserable life in the orphanage or live a lonely life= Fe))). This ties back into the brief flash of Alice's last words in "Openings" - her telling Beth: "close your eyes."... (close your eyes is the most careful and heartfelt word I have ever heard which means Fe). Plus, she hates when men boss around and hates when she used to please others even she didn’t want, which means she has a strong identity Fi-Ti and wants Beth to be herself “be you”. but bcz she forced to do something she didn’t want, she becomes to be a mentally ill person. Ok, why do I say Ne-Si over Se-Ni: that's because she’s mental health and it seems that she is lost in her mind (Ne), and still have some traumas from the past and still say to beth about her experience with men (Si), or I will say she's in the Fi-Si loop. Lol.

