Iseult MBTI性格类型


"Iseult是什么人格? Iseult是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sx/so - 217,五大类型中的RCUAI,Socionics中EII类型。"


Iseult (/ɪˈsuːlt, ɪˈzuːlt/), alternatively Isolde (/ɪˈsoʊld(ə), ɪˈzoʊld(ə)/), is the name of several characters in the legend of Tristan and Iseult. The most prominent is Iseult of Ireland, the wife of Mark of Cornwall and the lover of Tristan. Her mother, the queen of Ireland, is also named Iseult. The third is Iseult of the White Hands, the daughter of Hoel of Brittany and the sister of Kahedin. In the verse tradition, the lovers do not meet again until Tristan is on his death bed, but in the later prose Tristan, and works based upon it, Tristan returns from Brittany and they resume their affair. In the prose versions, the lovers' end comes when Mark finds them as Tristan plays the harp for Iseult beneath a tree. The cruel king stabs his nephew in the back, and Tristan, at Iseult's request, fatally crushes his beloved in a tight embrace as his final act. One of her rumored burial sites is Chapelizod in Dublin, Ireland.

