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Post-punk MBTI性格类型


"Post-punk是什么人格? Post-punk是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sp/sx - 459,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中类型。"

It's been said a few times on this profile but in regards to typology (and to no small extent the actual sounds associated with the genre), post-punk seems to exist in two veins: One that is Fi-oriented and one that is Ti-oriented. The connecting factor is Ne, as the majority of post-punk bands have high Ne. This is also why I've always found it better to define post-punk not by a shared sound (which it obviously lacks), but rather by a shared goal of moving the ideals of punk beyond the limitations of rock. If you want to bother defining it at all.


New Wave's darker and edgier cousin, but at the same time, Post-Hardcore's lighter and softer twin. When punk began to have a defined sound about 1976/77, several bands around the same time decided to take the basic energy of punk (play your instruments yourself, regardless of technique, and don't copy others, do it yourself, start a record label), not indulge in rock clichés/posing (and that included spurning the Blues and the usual/Cliché Rock music and, in some cases, chordal progression and even Punk Rock itself) and experiment with more complex structures and rhythms, fusions with other genres and/or more synthesizers. Artists in the genre also drew influence from science fiction, albeit on the dystopian end. The works of JG Ballard were a heavy inspiration, as well as Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of A Clockwork Orange. With its penchant for sonic experimentation and willingness to borrow from other music genres, post-punk became to punk rock what Progressive Rock was to Rock
