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  3. Pokémon Type

Water Type MBTI性格类型


"Water Type是什么人格? Water Type是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - so/sp - 972,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中EII类型。"


With 70 percent of the Earth covered by water, it isn't difficult to imagine that Water Pokémon are the most common type. It is one of the seven types to be paired with every existing type at least once.note Most Water-types are based on aquatic animals, both marine and freshwater, and is one of the three starter types. They can be found on every aquatic route, and some of the more amphibious types can be found in wetlands. They can also be fished out using various fishing rods. Offensively, they are strong against Fire, Rock, and Ground, but are resisted by Grass, Dragon, and other Water-types. Defensively, they resist Fire, Ice, and Steel and are only weak to Electric- and Grass-types (but most Grass-types don't want to hang around them willingly), making them pretty hard to wear down.
