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Death Metal MBTI性格类型


"Death Metal是什么人格? Death Metal是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/sp - 854,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中SLE类型。"

Wtf death metal is not extrovert


Death metal, also known as "that genre concerned parents hate", is a particularly notable subgenre of metal that is typically abrasive and usually characterised by growled, roared, or shrieked vocals, heavily downtuned guitars, and generally quite proficient musicianship utilising a variety of unusual techniques and instrumentation such as tremolo picking, palm muting, double kick blast beats, and complex, evolving song structures with frequently morphing time signatures played at quite tremendous speeds. Lyrics often focus on anger, hate, gore, and death, and some pretty gory album covers are not at all uncommon. It is The New Rock & Roll; easily one of the most misunderstood musical genres since its own inception, its critics almost always characterise it as an unlistenable noise attack, ignorant of the genuine, if not universally endearing, musicianship and immense skill and physical fitness required to sing death vocals well.
