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Key (SHINee) MBTI性格类型

Key (SHINee) MBTI性格类型 image


"Key (SHINee)是什么人格? Key (SHINee)是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sx/so - 378,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中EIE类型。"

Other comments provided a lot of reasonable arguments for him being an ENTJ but I wanted to add that he has been planning the concept for his Bad love album for Years, if anyone saw the teasers and album concept there's no need to say that it was very detailed and novel and you can tell how much thought he put into designing every part of it, that's a very clear Ni to me I found some quotes in his interview with Allure and I think this is as Te-Ni as it can get while typing an artist, I've noticed NTJs having a lot of creative projects ideas and sometimes having problems with choosing but they always end up sticking to it strategically until they see the result they want no matter how long it takes “As an artist, I’m always imagining and coming up with concepts, so portraying them is not hard.” “I have a lot in my head”; “You can’t do everything at once, right? I need to be more selective, and that’s what I find difficult.”


Kim Ki-bum, better known by his stage name Key, is a South Korean singer, actor, fashion designer and television presenter. Born and raised in Daegu, South Korea, he later travelled to Seoul after a successful audition at the S.M. National Tour Audition Casting.

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