King Dominick MBTI性格类型


"King Dominick是什么人格? King Dominick是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sp/sx - 216,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中类型。"

His disguising himself doesn't seem very Fe dom. Fe dom will be inauthentic by trying to fit more into social norms. They would use ways to disguise themselves for this. But the way he used it, is the opposite. It was more against social norms then for it. I mean, it's a barbie movie, if he is an INFJ I don't think his Ni would be that obvious anyway. But one thing for sure, is that he seemed to make choices based off of his own percieved judgements, rather than being Fe dom like. Also, doesn't seem like he is in the 'In-Charge' interaction style. Seems more chart-the-course to me... but idk..


A rich, young, and charming king. He is also very handsome and talented when it comes to playing instruments, and he can play the trumpet, the piano and the dulcimer. Like Anneliese, he hopes to find true love without any pretense. He soon falls head over heels for the disguised Erika.

类似King Dominick的电影角色
