Megatron MBTI性格类型


"Megatron是什么人格? Megatron是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

The wise ENTJ 8w7 so/sp 835 always ensure his prisons are designed for his personal escape. MBTI - Te-Ni-Se-Fi —> Te-Fi: I feel that Megatron most likely had “little patience for people”, especially those who weren’t “living up to [his] standard” and he was “very determined” when he strived “to get something done”. In “Victory” (S1-E12)— it was in this episode in which Megatron’s character wiki takes shape as it demonstrated that Megatron himself was not out to make friends or acquaintances; he was a commander at first and his priority was to make sure everybody was playing their part in a structured system, having disregarded Terrorsaur’s claustrophobia while the Predacons were all hiding in the crevasse. —> Te-Ni: I feel that Megatron— when it came to his agendas, he was “prone to delegating” and didn’t necessarily “obsess over the little details”, having instead been “focused … on whether or not the end goal [was] accomplished”. — In “Maximal, No More” (S2-E5), Dinobot had made the observation that Megatron’s plan was always in motion, with or without the Golden Disk; within and throughout the episode, Megatron was playing the briefly turned Dinobot to an agenda, up until he served his purpose, so Megatron prepared to discard him, yes. —> Te-Se: I feel that Megatron was most likely “impulsive” and combined with “bull-headed” nature of his own “Te”, he probably enjoyed “breaking rules”, having felt “a need for a certain level of impulsiveness in [his] life”. — In “Optimal Situation” (S3-E1)— not to simplify it, but Megatron’s Se might have been demonstrated in his gloating, feeling the need to put on a grandiose display of his power while existence was being wiped, this display having granted time for Blackarachnia and Silverbolt to try to resolve things. ENNEAGRAM - 8w7 so/sp 835 —> Type 8: I feel that Megatron tended to “become ‘larger’ than [was] appropriate when angry”, but to him, he may not have perceived it as his “getting angry, but rather just [his] totally justified response” to adversity. — In “The Low Road” (S1-E22), Dinobot tried to get Megatron to cease his fire by holding Tarantulas as a hostage, but Megatron himself demonstrated that he had no compunction— as the episode Wiki puts it: “about abusing his own soldiers” as a means of controlling them (not to suggest that Enneagram Type 8 in itself is abusive— it was abusive in the specific context of Megatron’s individual unhealthy manifestation of it), no. —> Wing 7: The “‘I want’” aspect “from 7” reinforced and fed into Megatron’s “8 lust”, which gave him a “license to grab and over-extend”, having “sometimes” found “delight in messing things up”. — In “The Agenda: Part III” (S2-E13), Megatron’s having opted to destroy Optimus Prime, knowing full well that such an action would threaten the very fabric of existence was perhaps demonstrative of his relentless craving for ultimate power and authority over reality in itself. —> so/sp: I really feel that Megatron was predominantly focused on the “‘Participation & Control’” aspect of the Social Instinct, having needed “to know that [his] efforts [were] meaningful to others”, in a sense. — In “Nemesis: Part 1” (S3-E12) and even in episodes beforehand, Megatron demonstrated that his agendas revolved around setting out a new future in which the Predacons as a social group ruled, continuing the legacy of his namesake, the leader of the Decepticons, yes. SOURCES, TERRORIZE! —> Megatron: —> MBTI: —> Enneagram: —> Instincts: LINGERING THOUGHTS —> I think I’ve neglected before to really appreciate how Ni-Se manifested for both Optimus Primal and Megatron as they really demonstrated what a quiet, but intentional function Ni is that is carried out by Se action— for Megatron, he always had his Ni-agenda in mind, but only put it out there by delegating actions via Se; I guess I was put off by this when watching the show initially, because my own Ne-Si tends wanting to talk things and ideas out and then honing in on the details that tie it all together, but I now appreciate how Beast Wars seemingly realistically depicted Ni-Se, yeeeesss. —> Okay, as for Megatron’s Instincts, I know that he may have demonstrated the obsessiveness and drive that may have been indicative of a Sexual Instinct, but I feel he was very composed and organized in a manner that suggests he had his Social and Self-Preservation bases all covered— in both the Enneagram sources I’ve been using, they describe that the Sexual instinct actually does more to “soften up” the hard exterior of Type 8, make it more outwardly vulnerable, which Megatron was not, I feel, no. —> New, packaging, same product: losers. Thanks.


Megatron is the leader of the Predacons. His beast mode is a fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex. His ultimate goal is to conquer Cybertron, where he was branded a criminal. He has also had a rivalry with Optimus Primal, the leader of the Maximals. He later became a Transmetal and then a Transmetal 2, in which his beast mode became a Dragon. And later he became Optimal Megatron at the end of the Beast Machines. He was voiced by David Kaye. #CompleteMonster

