1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. Nanny McPhee (2005)

Nanny McPhee MBTI性格类型


"Nanny McPhee是什么人格? Nanny McPhee是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w2 - so/sp - 162,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中EIE类型。"

Nanny McPhee [INTJ] Introverted Intuition (Ni) Nanny Mcphee is mysterious, calm, and collected. Despite having magic abilities, she knows precisely how things will play out and has a goal in mind for the children she assigns herself to. While she has “lessons” for them to learn, she certainly has more in mind for them than simple manners and realized that the children must learn these lessons on their own. Extroverted Thinking (Te) “I have five lessons to teach.” Nanny McPhee is organized and sets schedules for the children to follow. She has a business-like demeanor and is a very effective matriarch. She knows how to keep the children in line and how to make things run smoothly and in an orderly fashion. Introverted Feeling (Fi) Nanny McPhee would not do what she does if she did not care. While not immediately warm, she can be quite motherly and tender toward the children. She has personally held values not to “interfere with the affairs of the heart.” Another of her personal mantras “When you need me, but do not want me, I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go,” indicates that she is capable of detaching for the sake of important values. Extroverted Sensing (Se) While Nanny McPhee isn’t one to get her hands particularly dirty, she does have a sense of whimsy such as when she made it snow for Mr. Brown’s and Evangeline’s wedding and taking the children to the beach for play. She knows when to take action as circumstance allows.



类似Nanny McPhee的电影角色
