1. 名人和角色
  2. 情节
  3. Video Game Genres

Visual Novels MBTI性格类型


"Visual Novels是什么人格? Visual Novels是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - - 451,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

yes, i love visual novels


"Visual Novel" is a type of interactive media, typically (if controversially) considered a genre of Video Games and a subgenre of Adventure Games; it is alternatively considered a type of medium itself, for those who do not consider them to be video games. As a genre, "visual novel" is not defined by a mechanic or an aesthetic, but rather a distinctive presentation: VNs focus on presenting a text-based story using click-through text boxes, accompanied with static character graphics, and usually feature little to no actual gameplay. However, many works considered "visual novels" do in fact contain gameplay, and the actual line separating "visual novels with a bit of gameplay" and "adventure game with VN presentation" is blurry. Though "visual novel" is a presentation-style-based genre, they have an overwhelming overlap with Galgames (a.k.a. Bishoujo games), an aesthetic-based genre. Galgames are a distinctively Japanese genre of video games that focus on attractive girls drawn in anime and manga art styles; the genre is related to the Eroge and Romance Game (and its related Dating Sim) genres. The vast majority of visual novels are galgames, and almost all galgames are visual novels. This special relationship between the two genres caused the two genres to adopt conventions that significantly feature elements of the other. For example, many visual novels, including non-romance games, divide storylines into specific paths based on specific girl characters, a remnant of galgame conventions. "Visual novel" is commonly used as a synonym for "galgame" in the west, even though the two genres are technically different.
