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Be An E-Girl MBTI性格类型


"Be An E-Girl是什么人格? Be An E-Girl是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - sx/sp - 468,五大类型中的,Socionics中SEI类型。"

Honestly both ENFP and ISFP. The difference is an ENFP would likely seek more options in their identity, while an ISFP wouldn't mind adopting the identity of an e-girl. "What does an e-girl look like? To draw from the most visible stereotypes, she will almost never be wearing her natural hair color (lime green, pink, or half-black, half-white hair are popular shades) and will almost certainly be wearing winged eyeliner. Her clothes are either thrifted (probably from Depop, the app where Instagram influencers make money selling their stuff) or come from alternative-ish online fast fashion retailers like Dolls Kill, which describes itself as an “online boutique for misfits.” E-girl staples include mesh T-shirts, colorful hair clips, Sailor Moon skirts, O-ring collars."

