1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. MOTHER 3

Boney MBTI性格类型


"Boney是什么人格? Boney是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的7w6 - so/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Boney is one of the main characters in Mother 3. The courageous pet dog of Flint and his family. He originally helps Flint find Wess's son, Duster during the first chapter, but when Lucas grows up he joins the party as a permanent member. Boney can only equip hats, ribbons, and collars, cannot use PSI attacks, and due to having Speed significantly higher than other members of the party, is usually the first to attack in battle. His only weapon, the Canine Weapon, can be found in Chapter 8. As with the main characters, Boney's name can be chosen by the player before the game begins. His Sniff ability allows him to determine the weaknesses of enemies, though it does not work on certain enemies and some bosses, especially enemies with a strong odor among them.
