1. 名人和角色
  2. 哲学
  3. Western Philosophy

Giordano Bruno MBTI性格类型


"Giordano Bruno是什么人格? Giordano Bruno是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sx/so - 548,五大类型中的SCOAI,Socionics中ILI类型。"

The guy was literally a young mystic who was a follower of Neo-Pythagoreanism and Renaissance Hermeticism and you're telling me he's Ne-Ti-Fe-Si? An ENTP would didn't adapting esoteric philosophical beliefs to his system of ideas because of secondary introverted thinking, which sees and points out the inconsistencies of a concept and throws it out for everyone to see later. Giordano Bruno was not a logical or abstract thinker, but rather a mystical reformer who went against the dogmas of the Catholic Church at the time.


Giordano Bruno (born Filippo Bruno, 1548 – 17 February 1600) was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and cosmological theorist. He is known for his cosmological theories, which conceptually extended the then-novel Copernican model. He proposed that the stars were distant suns surrounded by their own planets, and he raised the possibility that these planets might foster life of their own, a philosophical position known as cosmic pluralism. He also insisted that the universe is infinite and could have no "center". Starting in 1593, Bruno was tried for heresy by the Roman Inquisition on charges of denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. Bruno's pantheism was also a matter of grave concern, as was his teaching of the transmigration of the soul. The Inquisit
