Brad Delson MBTI性格类型


"Brad Delson是什么人格? Brad Delson是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的6w7 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中ESI类型。"

I'm convinced that most people who typed him barely even know him which is understandable because he's pretty underrated but once you watch some interviews with him you'll notice that his dominant function is extroverted - I'm thinking Ne or Se and that he's definitely got tertiary Fe as well from the way he just reads the atmosphere and the people around him, often to his advantage, leading with Ti. For now I'll go with ENTP. Not sure about his enneagram but 7w8 seems possible. Also the person below me commented a great interview in which you can observe his personality very well. There's also this one in which you can see him together with all his bandmates and he definitely stands out because of how quick and loud he is which indicates his sanguine temperament and clear signs of Ne dom:


Bradford Phillip Delson (born December 1, 1977) is an American musician and record producer, best known as the lead guitarist and one of the founding members of the American rock band Linkin Park.

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