1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Legacies (2018-2022)

Josie Saltzman MBTI性格类型


"Josie Saltzman是什么人格? Josie Saltzman是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - so/sx - 296,五大类型中的RLOAN,Socionics中SEI类型。"

okay i guess i have to make a real argument against SEE because some of y’all watch this show with your brains turned off. aside from the fact that i’m pretty sure SEE is near impossible for ISFJs, let’s look at a description of SEE. these are quotes directly from the SEE profile by gulenko on wikisocion: “Confident, has aptitude for leadership. Enterprising, adventurous, and active, the SEE (ESFP) strives to take practical actions within the sphere of communications. Prefers to solve problems immediately, otherwise he may cool off due to his variable nature.” “SEE enjoys being the center of attention and evoking admiration in others. Presents himself as a promising person of great potential and with many open possibilities. Stresses his own personal originality and uniqueness.” “Looks for weak spots in people who are close to him. Exerting pressure on these points, he is able to change their behavior in a way that is most favorable for him. He himself is not susceptible to such manner of pressuring, will skillfully dodge it. Knows how to stand up for himself ... Orders around those who are less resolute and decisive and less confident in themselves ... Always finds a way to draw attention to himself.” “Presents himself as an original, unusual personality which won't be fitted into any frameworks. Inclined to contrast himself with others around him.” “The main trait that identifies an SEE in communication - is a turbulent reaction when he is being subordinated to rules that limit his concrete activities. In such cases, the SEE may behave in a very assertive and bold way.” “When he needs it, he is always able to turn people's attention to himself. Does this openly, without any embarrassment.” now that i’m sure i’ve provided more than enough quotes, let’s actually talk about josie saltzman. josie is incredibly passive, people-pleasing, and codependent. she rarely ever stands up for herself. she is scared to pursue what she wants, so she helps others (most often lizzie) pursue theirs instead. i can’t remember what episode it was in nor can i remember the exact quote but one moment that stands out to me was when lizzie told josie that she [josie] was happy to hide and let her [lizzie] be the one that everyone sees and hates. i’d like to say that i’m not trying to insult josie here, but it’s important to be fully aware of her weaknesses while typing her. these SEE votes are truly messing with my mind and i would like to think that they are just troll votes. i’m not confident on what her actual type is, but i do knot that it is not SEE. i will probably come back later and edit this comment and add in an explanation for her type once i do decide. for now, my best guess is SEI (as that’s what i’ve voted for, partially because i think it’s likely and partially because i don’t want SEE to be the consensus).


Josette "Josie" Olivia Saltzman is a main character of Legacies seasons 1-4A. She is the daughter of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin as well as the surrogate daughter of Caroline Forbes and the twin sister of Lizzie Saltzman. Portrayed by #KayleeBryant

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