1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Super Danganronpa Another 2

Hajime Makunouchi MBTI性格类型


"Hajime Makunouchi是什么人格? Hajime Makunouchi是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的1w2 - sp/so - 126,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中LSE类型。"

Oh, he's mistyped too I suppose. Instead of rambling like I did with sora shobai and iroha I'll just say that his tertiary Fe is the most obvious thing in the world with how he acts along with other voids. Also Te lmao? He's a clear Se dom he's literally a boxer who cares about his health. I mean I can kinda see ESTJ but nah not really. Shobai is a good example of inferior Fi as an ESTJ. Haijme has so much tertiary Fe its unreal, and Dom Se isn't hard to think of either. 4 characters mistyped now lmao.


Hajime Makunouchi (마쿠노우치 하지메) is a character featured in the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 created by LINUJ. He is known as the Super High School Level Boxer (초고교급 복싱선수 lit. Super High School Level Boxing Athlete).

类似Hajime Makunouchi的游戏角色

