Deep Focus Lens MBTI性格类型


"Deep Focus Lens是什么人格? Deep Focus Lens是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sp/sx - 451,五大类型中的,Socionics中ILI类型。"

I'm not even that much into cinema but I still watch her videos, only to enjoy her intellegence... by the way, the Ni is clearly there. The way she takes into account a lot of Movies/scenes to isolate some sort of idea or an insight created intuitivly about a specific artist... screams Ni-Se. Examples: (On Darren Aronofsky): "...he hides behind his shock value so he doesn't have to go for more than exploration here... editing, while it is extremely impressive it only distracts from the idea that there is nothing to really grasp underneath it." (On the line "Even though i'm no better than a manster, don't I have the right to live?" From Oldboy): " this particular line, what is so powerful about it is that it captures the essance of what Park Chan-wook kind of stands for, in terms of his philosophy, and it's the idea of context... trusting somebody, really seeing somebody as a good person based on your experiences with them, but once you remove a certain context, it completly changes the way you view a person."

