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Kyriakos "Grizzly" Kapakoulak MBTI性格类型

Kyriakos "Grizzly" Kapakoulak MBTI性格类型 image


"Kyriakos "Grizzly" Kapakoulak是什么人格? Kyriakos "Grizzly" Kapakoulak是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/sp - 873,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

the "Kyriakos Grizzly" character seems like an average "movie/videogame ISTP", but what he really is in real life, who knows, except his friends? He seems genuinely disinterested at maintaining his YT channel and has zero presence online aside from what his buddies post of him under his name. He also seems to hate doing commemorative videos, but his friends want him to post about his channel's achievements and he consents begrudgingly. That may tell something of his real self, in that he doesn't care about the praise of strangers, nor about sharing any sort of emotion or connection with them. Finally it is rumoured his close circle is a bit politically oriented, and from what I know an ISTP strongman fits very well in such a social scenario. 😉 But truth be told he could be just about anything from ISTP to ENTJ to whatever. Definitely not a Feeler though.


A famous Greek strongman, bloatmaxxer, and YouTube personality. Also known by the moniker: Bloatlord.

类似Kyriakos "Grizzly" Kapakoulak的运动名人
