Wander MBTI性格类型


"Wander是什么人格? Wander是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sx/sp - 935,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中ESI类型。"

Wander really is Se-aux, because he's looking for information at the moment, he never considered Ne or Ni to know what would be Dormin's "curse", he didn't consider the possibilities as a Ne-aux or healthy gift would consider, he only with his strong Fi, followed faithfully to save his girlfriend, regardless if he will have to face 16 tenebrous enemies in the course of the work. his Ni-terc appears every time he kills the colossals, where through Se-aux he discovers the truth... Te-inf, of course, he's dumb!


"Poor ungodly soul." -LORD EMON Wander (ワンダ Wanda) is the protagonist of Shadow of the Colossus. A young man with a clouded past, he travels to the Forbidden Lands on horseback in order to resurrect a girl named Mono. Dormin, a mysterious voice presiding over the Lands' central shrine, gives Wander a deal: if he can slay the sixteen colossi that reside in the Lands, Mono will be resurrected.
