Leif MBTI性格类型


"Leif是什么人格? Leif是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

not one of my favorite FE protagonists gameplay-wise, but story-wise, he's near and dear to my heart. Leif's character growth throughout Thracia 776 is a lovely case study in an ISFP developing their Ni and Te. Leif is primarily driven by his personal antipathy toward his foes and the connection he feels to the struggle for independence for Lenster and the Manster District (Fi), and he is typically quite impulsive in the decisions he makes (Se). this impulsivity results in Leif finding himself being captured by Raydrik early in the game, and, most importantly for his growth, unwisely choosing to fight the Grannvale Empire in Alster, leading to Dorias's death. these moments, among a few others, demonstrate Leif's weak Ni and Te. ultimately, Leif learns how to be a true leader throughout the game, developing his Ni and Te with the help of Dorias and (especially) August


