1. 名人和角色
  2. 动漫
  3. Kiznaiver

Hajime Tenga MBTI性格类型

Hajime Tenga MBTI性格类型 image


"Hajime Tenga是什么人格? Hajime Tenga是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - so/sx - ,五大类型中的SLUAN,Socionics中SEE类型。"

I'd like to argue that I believe Tenga is a social 8 rather than the current consensus. "The Social Eight is the countertype of the three Eight subtypes. Social Eights represent a contradiction: the Eight archetype rebels against social norms, but the Social Eight is also oriented toward protection and loyalty. They express lust and aggression in the service of life and other people. This person is "social antisocial." In contrast to Self-Preservation Eights, Social Eights are more loyal, more overtly friendly, and less aggressive. They are helpful Eights-people who are nurturing, protective, and concerned with the injustices that happen to people-yet they also display an antisocial aspect with regard to the rules of society." This is kinda like his relationship with Katsuhira. He pretty much made a deal with Katsuhira that he will protect and stay loyal to him whenever he gets bullied again. Apart from his service with Katsuhira, do y'all ever realize that 90% of the time the main reason why he gets angry is because one of his friends/ Kiznaivers r hurt? that's his social 8 instinct doing it's work right there. Also, why the 4 fix? I don't think he focuses much on his individuality and identity. Even a 3 or 2 fix would make so much more sense than 4.

