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  3. Xenogears

Elly Van Houten MBTI性格类型

Elly Van Houten MBTI性格类型 image


"Elly Van Houten是什么人格? Elly Van Houten是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sx/so - 216,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

I can see why she has INFP votes, given how she's presented early on in the game: a quiet, unassuming girl with a lot of trauma. But I think when Elly's character arc really kicks into gear during Solaris and beyond, INFJ makes more sense, especially once she embraces herself as Sophia's reincarnation. She's very self-sacrificial. It's like the entire pretense to her character. For instance, she displays a lot of Ni-Fe-Se in her speech to the amalgamation of humanoids to stop fighting amongst each other and even offers to sacrifice her own blood/flesh. She leads the charge to save the people from the Soylent facilities and move them to Nisan for treatment. Elly's viewed as a symbol of salvation, a martyr, basically a holy woman. She's very compassionate, even to her fellow Elements. She can also "tell" when something "bad" is going to happen (Ni). For example when Fei and the others are captured by Karellen, she rushes in without thinking to sacrifice herself (Se). She's also the only character to see through Citan's façade. Her Fe feels quite overwhelming, but I think part of it is because she's a Type 2


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