Oh MBTI性格类型


"Oh是什么人格? Oh是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的6w7 - so/sx - 629,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

Definitively not an Ne-dom. His entire cognitive focus throughout the movie was being socially accepted and appealing to the group at large (Fe) and relying on internalized systems to process information (Si). ESFJs often get mistyped as ENFPs (often out of bias) because they show prominent Ne and the two stereotypically have bubbly and cheerful personalities. However, Oh doesn't primarily refer to Ne to process information, but rather, relies on linear systems that he has internalized and either chooses to adapt them to new challenges, or not. While he does use Ne, it's in a pretty childish fashion for the most part, as he mostly just uses it to expand on the ideas in a situation, but doesn't implement it practically.

