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Robert Schumann MBTI性格类型

Robert Schumann MBTI性格类型 image


"Robert Schumann是什么人格? Robert Schumann是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - 458,五大类型中的RLUAI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

If you have actually read Schumann's biography and understand his life experiences and personality traits, it is impossible for you to vote for INFJ. Schumann is a very typical INFP, and his tritype is 458/485. I’d like to recommend a musicological book, The Romantic Generation, written by Charles Rosen. He has fascinating discussions about Schumann and his musical style. 1. Schumann's sincere and genuine compositions fully express his inner emotional world (very clear Fi), and they are so sincere that they require little embellishment (Fi or/and very 4fix+8fix). 2. Schumann both disrupts and continues the sonata form, and his ability to create large instrumental works is not strong. He almost abandons the structure of his works, considering it unimportant compared to expression, which he believes is the most important aspect. (Definately not fix 1) 3. He possesses rich imagination and emotional sensitivity, even with a touch of childlike innocence (undoubtedly Fi+Ne). In one piece, he often reveals his dual nature, being intense and passionate one minute and tender and melancholic the next. (This is a clear fusion of the 4-fix and 8-fix. ) 4. Additionally, the rhythmic dynamism factors and the occasional presence of quirky and irregular rhythmic patterns in Schumann's works should also be mentioned. For example, there are a few bass notes in the eighth movement of Kreisleriana that are often considered "incorrect" in terms of harmony, and the dotted rhythm in 6/8-time persists throughout the entire piece, maintaining its presence between two contrasting middle sections. The use of such "obsessiveness" in structure is one of Schumann's trademarks. It is not a perfectionistic obsession, but rather stems from an unstoppable passion and impulse (also very 4+8). Similar examples can be found throughout many of his piano works. 5. Finally, fix 5 is also easily identifiable. If you have read Schumann's letters, you will discover that he is also a very visionary person with strong analytical abilities. He also possesses extraordinary aesthetic taste and is obsessed with the music, literature, and poetry that interests him. I cannot see the fix 1, and it is difficult to see Schumann's traits of precision, conscientiousness, and perfectionism. 6. He composed a large number of works dedicated to his wife Clara, including vocal and piano compositions, and he often incorporated many hidden puzzles in his works, such as using musical notes (letters) to represent the names of Clara and his friends. And his very strong personal likes and dislikes are even better known, such as his vehement questioning of Liszt's criticism of Mendelssohn. (So Schumann's instinctual subtype is clearly sx/sp.)


Robert Schumann (8 June 1810 – 29 July 1856) was a German composer, pianist, and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. His teacher, Friedrich Wieck, a German pianist, had assured him that he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but a hand injury ended this dream. Schumann then focused his musical energies on composing.
