1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Boy Meets World (1993)

Morgan Matthews MBTI性格类型


"Morgan Matthews是什么人格? Morgan Matthews是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - so/sx - ,五大类型中的SCUEI,Socionics中类型。"


Morgan Matthews (Lily Nicksay; seasons 1-2/Lindsay Ridgeway; recurring season 3, main seasons 4–7) is the only daughter of Alan and Amy Matthews, the younger sister of Eric and Cory and the older sister of Joshua. She inexplicably disappeared after the show's second season and reappeared midway through the following season played by a different actress. In the episode of her return, a joke is made about her long absence. Upon her reappearance, she says, "That was the longest timeout I ever had!" With the introduction of a new actress in the role came a shift, not just in age, but also in personality as Morgan went from being the cute and innocent girly girl little sister interested in dolls, pretty dresses and perfume to being a more sassy, rude and sarcastic and more tomboyish character who delights in making fun of her brothers, especially Cory. In the series finale she, along with Amy and Alan, say goodbye to Cory, Eric, Shawn and Topanga when they depart for New York.

类似Morgan Matthews的电视角色
