Chiaki Nanami MBTI性格类型


"Chiaki Nanami是什么人格? Chiaki Nanami是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sp/so - 952,五大类型中的RCUAI,Socionics中SLI类型。"

Introverted Thinking: Chiaki looks at the world through a logical system that makes sense to her. When asked why she can’t talk about the Future Foundation, she says that she can’t betray them anymore than a person can fly like a bird–it’s just not “natural”. She tells Hajime in her FTEs that she wants to gain as full of an understanding of as many things as she can. She tests theories with experiments, from her first time petting a cow to sticking an unknown substance (glue) in her mouth. She mentions excelling at games that involve precise calculations and is actually so good at math she can solve 10^60 in her head in a couple of moments. Her decisions are rational and logical; while she doesn’t want any killing to happen, she always prioritizes finding the killer to save as many lives possible. Extroverted Intuition: Chiaki is spacey to a fault, often falling asleep in random places, forgetting to eat (or breathe!), or keeping her head in the clouds. She often jars conversations by suddenly mentioning games, following a train of thought incomprehensible to others. She’s eager to learn and try new things, which feeds into her Ti-dom. Chiaki’s also an idealist and sees the potential in those around her; she understands the murderers’ reasons even though she doesn’t agree with them, and encourages Hajime to create his own future instead of accepting the choices lain out for him. Introverted Sensing: She’s very knowledgeable about games and can recall precise details about various ones on the spot. Since she doesn’t have a lot of personal experience, being a newborn AI, she applies her video game knowledge to the real world. Chiaki uses her experience in closed-circle detective games to point out that someone should guard the crime scene, and uses video game terminology as points of reference. Extroverted Feeling: Chiaki doesn’t express her emotions a lot; even during her execution, she maintains a blank face. She also admits she’s uncomfortable with social situations (or dating sims) because she doesn’t know how to maintain relationships. She wants to help others, and she has the intuition for it, but she’s awkward at doing it because of her difficulty with reading social cues or the moods of those around her. She believes in the needs of the many over the needs of the few, rationalizing that the group has to sacrifice killers, including herself, to survive.


Chiaki Nanami (七海 千秋), is a student of Hope's Peak Academy's Class 77-B, and a participant of the Killing School Trip featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Her title is the Ultimate Gamer (超高校級の「ゲーマー」 lit. Super High School Level Gamer).

类似Chiaki Nanami的游戏角色
