Yukinoshita Yukino MBTI性格类型


"Yukinoshita Yukino是什么人格? Yukinoshita Yukino是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - so/sp - 163,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中ESI类型。"

If she were INFJ, where is her Ti? All I've seen is Te-Fi. She doesn't really seem to value the overall atmosphere over her own feelings, and while she keeps a lot of these feelings to herself, her overall goal is to change her environment/the world through brute force and direct action, irregardless of what the other person feels. This is indicative of her insensitivity at times to other people's feelings other than her own, a common problem found in people who value Fi (subjective feelings) and using that to fuel her Te. This is shown in her first meeting with the MC, where she bulldozed over him with her subjective feelings. And while we don't see her thoughts, it's shown to the audience to her thought process is mostly linear through her actions, looking for and employing more systematic/direct solutions to problems in the long term without much care for the feelings of the others involved. I'm not seeing the Fe in her. That's just my two cents.


类似Yukinoshita Yukino的动漫角色
