Félicie MBTI性格类型


"Félicie是什么人格? Félicie是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sx/so - 379,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

She strikes me as an Se dom to me. For one, she loves dancing, and breaks into dancing naturally (impulsively even) with so much power and energy! (The ESTP friend I know does so all the time, even without music - she's also very confident herself & have perfect body aesthetic control.) So I'm deciding between ESFP & ESTP. I am going with ESFP more for now as it seems like her power comes from her passion and *SPOILERS ALERT* the feelings she has associated with her mom & Odette. She also tends to tease Victor (a clear Ne dom, ENTP) for being weird and quirky - if she's Ne herself she would probably appreciate them more.


