Simon Sinek MBTI性格类型


"Simon Sinek是什么人格? Simon Sinek是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的1w2 - so/sp - ,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中ESE类型。"

Definitely an INFJ, I have zero doubts about it. If some would take time and observe him on interviews, his body language and his answers, they would see and understand that he is not an extraverted person whatsoever. In fact, in one of his interviews he states that he is inwards directed person. He is assertive/confident introvert, with well developed parent Fe. Another point is that, he's not 1. He's a thinker, very observant, and very private (secretive even), we know very little about him outside of his work. That's a full-blown typical 5. Wing 4, because he is a cerebral feeler, he cares about people and how they feel; lots of discussions about organizational culture, creating a safe space and sense of belonging at work places, personal value system, life's purpose and so forth. That's 4 talking, led by 5. INFJs are about making the world better, guide and help people. ENFJs are more about comradery, communication, being around people, not necessarily for the greater cause. It's Fe with Ni on a background, which is primarily about building relationships, Ni merely helps that process, Ni helps them to vet people. INFJs are led by Ni which is a vision/predictions/future/ideas. Fe Aux is a way through which we deliver these ideas, it's a tool, a skill set, and not extraversion. This means that we can come off as extroverts, but it won't last, very limited capacity. Fe is a mere tool to deliver the Ni ideas/visions we have.


Simon Oliver Sinek (born October 9, 1973) is a British-American author, motivational speaker and organisational consultant. He is the author of five books, including Start With Why (2009).Sinek was born in Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom and as a child lived in Johannesburg, South Africa, London, and Hong Kong before settling in the United States. He was raised Jewish.
