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Daniel Lord (hiding in my room) MBTI性格类型

Daniel Lord (hiding in my room) MBTI性格类型 image


"Daniel Lord (hiding in my room)是什么人格? Daniel Lord (hiding in my room)是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sx/sp - 541,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中ILI类型。"

There is so much to talk about with this guy I struggle to know where to begin but it's almost like he has no extroverted function at times, all i see in a lot of his videos is fi-si. He holds his beliefs very dear, is very argumentative, totally fe blind, always talks in past tense, really struggles to move on, engages in the same physical stimuli over and over, and is very cautious with trying new things. Though, he's an excellent brainstormer when it comes to defending his beliefs (ne supporting fi) and has good critical thinking abilities that emulate high Ti at times so probably Ti in socionics Sometimes it's difficult to tell whether he's a 5 or a 4, almost as if he has a balance but his general need to always retreat, shun human connection, get overstimulated by external stimuli easily, hating being put in random scenarios, and retreating into his head is more telling of an unhealthy 5 but we can't deny that powerful 4 wing with him always complaining about "missing something" no matter what and his romanticization of Japan in his Teens (Fi with strong 4 wing working to idealize Japan) Furthermore, when he goes into stress we can see him seperate into a 7 enneagram with him literally going to a whole other country on what seems like a whim most of the time and having casual sexual encounters. Do we ever see him seperate into a 2? He's definetly self-loathing from past experiences with ex's but I think everyone is like that. His idealization of Japan in his Teens and his over willingness to go there and even learn the langauge without fully researching whether or not it's worth it shows extremely bad Te, it seems a lot of his great judgment skills are thanks to his poor te, ti, se, and ni. at this point, sp/sx is very obvious and doesn't need explanation Ironically, it may seem like i hate him and morally and logically he's done questionable things but he's one of my favorite comfort youtubers. In this ever changing landscape it seems like he never changes and I can never get enough of his wacky bitter realism.


Daniel Lord (born March 20, 1989), also known as Hiding In My Room, is an English Youtuber known for his vlogs about his personal life, including romantic relationships, social commentary, mental health, and traveling. He is also the creator of the gaming channel Daniel Senpai as well as the time lapse drawing channel Drawing In My Room.
