Snow White MBTI性格类型


"Snow White是什么人格? Snow White是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的1w2 - sp/so - 126,五大类型中的SLOAN,Socionics中ESI类型。"

I don't really get the Fe dominant votes on this page. Snow doesn't consider everyone's emotions when making decisions; instead, being more focused on establishing and maintaining objective logical systems to help aid fabletown, even repressing her personal sentiments towards a situation, just so that she can be objective and do things the right way. The comment below mine explained it pretty well but I'm gonna add onto it. Snow, throughout multiple instances in the story, stresses how the system should aid people and work as properly and efficiently as it could. You can see that in how frustrated she was during Crane's mayor run. You can also see her Te-Fi when Bigby and Snow confront Crane at Puddin n Pie when she didn't let her personal feelings overwhelm her and focused on logically arriving at the most reasonable conclusion to further support the case. (She, being the one to point out how Crane being the murderer makes no sense.) Snow also urged Bigby to bring back the Crooked Man alive so that the people can develop trust in the system and believe that it can help them, and also so that he can stand a fair trial and the decision can be made consulting the citizens of Fabletown. Her preference for objective and logical systems and process to decide what's right or wrong shows a clear preference of Te-Fi. We can see the Ti-Fe and Te-Fi contrast between Bigby and Snow when Toad was sent to the Farm. If you choose the 'good options', Bigby tries to sympathize with Toad and applies informal and impromptu judgements to prevent Toad being sent to the farm. (Giving him Crane's money because he understands Toad's situation since Glamour was really expensive and Crane wasn't really proactive in resolving his problems.) Meanwhile, whether you give him money or not, Snow sends Toad to the farm either way, since she wants things to be more ordered and all Unglamoured Fables must be sent to the Farm with 'no exceptions' according to her. PDB should really work on developing a more nuanced view, realising that thinkers do have feelings, and are capable of being kind and empathetic too.


Snow White is the Assistant Director of Operations for Fabletown's deputy mayor Ichabod Crane, who she dislikes. She's the one who finds Faith's head on the Woodlands doorstep and informs Bigby of her murder.

类似Snow White的游戏角色
