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Kaladin Stormblessed MBTI性格类型


"Kaladin Stormblessed是什么人格? Kaladin Stormblessed是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的6w5 - so/sx - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中ESI类型。"

I see a few comments below saying he isn’t an ISFP or “fi-dom”. And I tried to look into the functions of fi vs fe and I must say, Kaladin is 100% fi. Below I’ll essay only what I feel is his dominant function (fi) vs how I feel it contrasts with its opposite (fe) to show why I’m convinced he’s ISFP. Fi is an internally SUBJECTIVE function while fe is an externally OBJECTIVE function. Depression can be experienced by anyone, even though we know for a fact that the nature of fi in itself makes fi-users more prone to it, it doesn’t necessarily automatically mean Kaladin is fi-dom just because he’s depressed. Fi works to create harmony with one’s own internal principles, one’s OWN held definitions of “right” and “wrong”, while fe works to create harmony in one’s external environment, shaping an opinion usually based on what immediately seems “correct” of one’s culture, religion, etc in ones immediate or chosen society. So being fi-dominant doesn’t mean you innately don’t care about people. It’s just that each fi-dom defines for themselves what “morality” and “good” is and will stand for that as opposed to a fe-dom who looks to societal harmony for everything. Kaladin is more concerned with how the world and its function relates to HIS OWN circumstances and preconceived notions of what’s right and wrong. When Adolin saves the prostitute in book one, he’s more fixated on the fact that all lighteyes are bad due to his own past experiences rather than using the objective fe function to sus out the individual by individual base of each person’s own merit. He’s ALWAYS concerned about the nature of the Windrunner Ideals, which actually embody “subjective fi” if you ask me. Each ideal is subject to the Windrunner’s interpretation, rather than an externally objective law like say, Skybreakers. His whole mindset is ruled and shaped by these questions of how he can reconcile his external occupation with that of his internal compass and he’s very bothered by anything that tries to upset that. When Kaladin creates peace with the Bridge Four members, working to not only get them to believe in life, but to love it and be happy doing it, he doesn’t do it from a fe POV — as in, the need to create harmony with one’s communal environment. No, rather he PERSONALLY identifies with their struggles, doesn’t want to give up and doesn’t want to let his kindred souls — people JUST LIKE HIM — give up either, if he can help it, because it’s what he perceives as RIGHT. Adolin, a fe-dom (ESFJ), is the opposite throughout most of book one. Adolin is concerned more with social proof, peace with one’s culture and ways in opposition to the divergent and divisive nature of Dalinar’s Honor Quest. The difference in Kaladin and Adolin’s two mindsets is clear. Adolin is a good man (obviously), but he barely let the questions regarding morality in his culture get the best of him and starts REALLY changing the way he sees the world when he gets almost irresistible proof from Navani (another fe-dom ENFJ who was more receptive to these changes because of her aux-ni no doubt) deciphering Dalinar’s visions as real. An individual with developed fe-dom would strive to ALWAYS endeavour to keep the peace, if even only as a way to manipulate people they hate from making their environment unpleasant. Kaladin doesn’t have this filter. He’ll censor himself around lighteyes or high-ranks as means of intelligent self-preservation for himself and the small group he’s responsible for, but never to the point of grovel or trying to earn any kind of lighteye favour, even if that, like winning Shards for an example, will put him in a position to make meaningful changes for darkeyes simply BECAUSE IT GOES AGAINST WHAT HE FEELS IS RIGHT. That’s how fi would do it. That’s not to say fe would do ANY personally morally bankrupt thing just for the sake of getting what they want, but a fe-dom would look into the LARGER scope of societal advancement and manipulate the culture itself, AS IT IS, to get what they want for themselves and the people they like rather than simply reject the notion because of their feelings. Idk if I explained this well enough, but Kaladin personifies b i g d i c k fi-dom energy IMO lol. ISFP. He also fi-ni loops a lot I think


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