Shadow MBTI性格类型


"Shadow是什么人格? Shadow是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w9 - sp/sx - 853,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中SLI类型。"

【 Shadow's Big 5 】 Friendliness: 0/3 Gregariousness: 0/3 Assertiveness: 3/3 Activity level: 2/3 Excitement-Seeking: 0/3 Cheerfulness: 0/3 Reserved > Social 13 - 5 ---------------------------------- Anxiety: 0/3 Anger: 0/3 Depression: 1/3 Self-consciousness: 1/3 Immoderation: 1/3 Vulnerability: 1/3 Limbic < Calm 4 - 14 ---------------------------------- Self-Efficacy: 2/3 Orderliness: 1/3 Dutifulness: 2/3 Achievement -Striving: 0/3 Self-discipline: 1/3 Cautiousness: 2/3 Organized > Unorganized 10 - 8 ---------------------------------- Trust: 1/3 Morality: 1/3 Altruism: 1/3 Cooperation: 0/3 Modesty: 3/3 Sympathy: 1/3 Ego-driven > Accommodating 11 - 7 ---------------------------------- Imagination: 1/3 Artistic interests: 0/3 Emotionality: 0/3 Adventurousness: 1/3 Intellect: 2/3 Liberalism: 2/3 Inquisitive < Non-Curious 6 - 12


Shadow is an assassin and mercenary who will kill anyone for right price. He travels the world with his faithful dog Interceptor, and offers his help to the party on a few occasions where they cross paths. Sometimes he charges them, sometimes he comes along for free, and he may abandon them whenever he feels like — Shadow's reasons on each occasion are his own. However, he does possess a sense of morality buried deep within, and eventually joins the party permanently to fight for a greater cause than money. Shadow's backstory is revealed through dreams he has of his past when sleeping while in the party. Years ago, he was a train robber named Clyde, who was part of the "Shadow Bandits" with his partner, Baram. When the authorities caught up with them and Baram was killed, Shadow went into hiding at Thamasa and fathered a daughter before leaving town to keep running from the law. He became a cutthroat-for-hire under the alias "Shadow" in memory of his fallen partner.
