It's All About Me MBTI性格类型


"It's All About Me是什么人格? It's All About Me是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sp/sx - 378,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

This website needs to learn what Fi is because the people who are voting Fi are people who have either had a bad experience with an Fi Dom and are stupid enough to think all Fi users are like this or people who think believe the stereotype of Fi being selfish But honestly Fi is one of the most selfless and amazing function because us Fi users have the ability and compassion to change the world make it better and fix it because we don't go by the book we don't believe we should stick to traditions if your an Fi user or Dom be proud of it because the function Fi is so beautiful creative and unique don't hate yourself because of stereotypes


Ah, the Ego. The part of the psyche that defines you as an individual, and considers itself (read: you) a separate entity from the rest of nature and even the entire cosmos, the ego encourages people to value themselves as well as their personal wants and needs. While necessary in moderation, allowing one's ego to become overinflated leads to self-centered and downright embarrassing behavior. Such an excess of self-importance can be called egotism.
