John Kehoe MBTI性格类型


"John Kehoe是什么人格? John Kehoe是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


John Kehoe was born in 1934 in Toronto. Little is known about his early life, family and education. In 1975, John felt a need for privacy. A trip to the forests of the province of British Columbia seemed like a logical idea for self-discovery. For 3 years he lived as a hermit doing meditation. Kehoe's character was tempered. He has proven to himself that he can survive without the resources that modernity offers. After completing the experiment, John Kehoe decided to combine the findings that he encountered as he conducted it. He created a program that describes the capabilities of the brain and the tools for their development. Some subjectivity of views was explained by the fact that the author came to conclusions based on the results of his own experience. The program was named "Power of the Mind".
