1. 名人和角色
  2. 宗教
  3. Mesopotamian

Ki / Uras / Antu MBTI性格类型

Ki / Uras / Antu MBTI性格类型 image


"Ki / Uras / Antu是什么人格? Ki / Uras / Antu是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - - 125,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中类型。"


The consort of Anu and mother of the gods, Ki was the goddess of the earth. She and Anu were once united until their son Enlil separated them in order to make the world habitable. While Anu carried away heaven, Ki, in company with Enlil, took the earth. During the Akkadian Period, she was changed into Antu, a sky goddess who served as a female counterpart to Anu. As Uras, she was the patron goddess of Dilbat, a minor hill city located southeast from Babylon on the eastern bank of the Western Euphrates. As Antu, she was a dominant feature of the Babylonian akit festival until as recently as 200 BCE.

类似Ki / Uras / Antu的宗教名人
