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  3. Urban Legends

My Girlfriend from a Different School MBTI性格类型

My Girlfriend from a Different School MBTI性格类型 image


"My Girlfriend from a Different School是什么人格? My Girlfriend from a Different School是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - sx/sp - 297,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中类型。"


A convenient way for a character to disabuse the idea that they're gay or otherwise too socially inept for a relationship is to claim that they indeed have a girlfriend — but the other characters have never met her because she lives in Canada. She doesn't visit very often, but when she does they just spend all day in bed. Look, here's her entry in his phone's contact list. No, you can't see a picture. There are variants that don't require a different country at all. Schoolchildren can do it, claiming to their classmates that they totally have a girlfriend, but you haven't met her because she goes to a different school. Sci-fi or fantasy series with their own settings also have more possible options; you could put her on a different planet or dimension as long as it's not too difficult to get there. A setting with a Fictional Country may choose to use that country for the fictitious girlfriend.
