Electro MBTI性格类型


"Electro是什么人格? Electro是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/so - 468,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

people still don't get it... the Electro vision have ambitions that lasts thru eternity. Kazuha's vision was literally ignited cause he wants to fight the Raiden Shogun (not Ei) and Ei vs Raiden Shogun was shown to extend for 500 years... Ei's current ambition is to fulfil her people's wishes.. that's why its called "wishes outnumbered" infact it was reflected on him granting Kazuha's friend's ambition Dori.. money is number and thus would reach Eternity Sara.. wants to protect her village forever.. The Thunder Manifestation is literally the manifestation of Kapatcir's ambition understanding the world and wanting something stupid but somehow rational is the literally Ni and Fi


Electro is one of the seven Elements and the third element that the Traveler acquires. Its associated Archon is Raiden Shogun, whose domain is Inazuma.
