Gao Yue MBTI性格类型


"Gao Yue是什么人格? Gao Yue是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Gao Yue ( also known as Yue-er) is a princess of the former Yan Kingdom and Yan Dan's daughter and an orphan. She is quite cheerful, playful and generous, as well as kind and innocent. She often gets along easily with almost everyone. She and Tianming are good friends, and she treats Duanmu Rong as her sister, referring her as "Sister Rong". She is extremely bright and intelligent and can analyse things very accurately. She solved many mysteries in the Forbidden Land when nobody else knew the answers. She possesses great talent in Yin-Yang techniques and is taken into the Yin-Yang School by Moon Goddess. She is told that her real name is Ji Ru(Chinese: 姬如; pinyin: jī rú) and her courtesy name is Qianlong(Chinese: 千泷; pinyin: qiān lóng), bearing the same family name as Moon Goddess.
