Lie Ren MBTI性格类型


"Lie Ren是什么人格? Lie Ren是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


black-haired student at Beacon who dual wields machine pistols with attached blades, collectively called StormFlower. In Volume 7, Pietro upgraded StormFlower so the blades can be projected from the guns to act as grappling hooks.Vol. 7, Ch. 3 His Semblance, "Tranquility",[10] masks negative emotion, which allows him and his targets to avoid detection from Grimm, Which was unlocked when he lost his village and family in a Grimm attack, leaving him and Nora as the only survivors.[21]Vol. 4, Ch. 10. Ren's Semblance eventually evolves, allowing him to see the emotions of those around him in the form of lotus petals with various colors.Vol. 8, Ch. 7 & 9 He eventually admits his feelings for Nora.Vol. 8, Ch. 1 & 11 While his name in Chinese (猎人) translates to "huntsman", Ren (蓮) is also Japanese for "lotus", which is his emblem. He alludes to the legendary Chinese hero Hua Mulan.

类似Lie Ren的卡通角色
