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  2. 游戏
  3. Tokyo Debunker (2024)

Jin Kamurai MBTI性格类型


"Jin Kamurai是什么人格? Jin Kamurai是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w9 - - 683,五大类型中的,Socionics中LSI类型。"

Absolute perfect example of an LSI/ISTP/TiSe 🤍 I’m also thinking Sx6 for him (or maybe Sp5 or one of the 9s/9w8); certainly not enneagram 8 though since he isn’t an ESTP, although I understand the confusion. He seems more like the 683; “The Warrior: A natural warrior attitude, reactive and tough without the self-deprecation of 468” LSI: Often, LSIs' interpretation of the world is directed towards existing social structures; their rules and guidelines pertaining to the behavior and actions of others. LSIs might likewise stereotypically represent hard-line military officers, making sure that everyone stays in line. LSIs can often integrate into their rule-based framework the conventions of the predominant social order, and they may be vocally critical or judgmental of those that fail to follow the real or imagined conventions ascribed to them. Many LSIs give off a sense of certitude and absolution. They can quickly and easily schematize what is correct and incorrect according to the systems they are familiar with and may appear to be absolutely certain of their views. Extroverted Sensing Se: LSIs can be forceful, confrontational, and proactive. However, LSIs' confrontational nature is subdued and subservient to Ti ideology. As such, they are unlikely to express the same degree of raw impulsiveness as Se dominant types might, but rather are more likely to confront others in contravention of the "rules" or some other rule-based system. They are sometimes unafraid of criticizing or berating others who fail to act in accordance with their expectations (though they may be reticent to speak critically as well, as this may contradict their program of social order). In addition, LSIs can be quite proactive and can push others simply to get things done. They may feel a need to possess a certain degree of control over the situations and individuals around them, in order to ensure that their guidelines are followed appropriately. This very much reminds me of his appearance in Chapters 45-end(50) in “The Man Who Grants Wishes”. Even with his special ability, it’s the power to get people to follow his order by telling them commands. He’s such a decisive and self-assured leader, clearly wonderful Ti, with very strong Se secondly. He doesn’t hesitate like Kaito did with his bow, and was even able to help push him to act. More on the LSI: Introverted Intuition Ni: LSIs, like other beta quadra types, are especially motivated by higher meanings and weighty causes. LSIs may feel innately that it is their civic responsibility to enforce or ensure their desired social order, or whatever higher drive they find themselves with. Super-Ego Block Introverted Ethics Fi: LSIs are sometimes aware of their internal sentiments and attitudes towards others, but do not always give their emotional responses much attention. They typically are disinclined to depend upon their interpersonal attitudes or internal moral consciousness as guiding principles, instead construing reality through the lens of somewhat stiffer and less sympathetically inclined standards of behavior. Super-Id Block Extroverted Ethics Fe: Being entrenched in logical, systematic thinking processes, LSIs need others to create an emotionally inclusive atmosphere where they know they are accepted and liked. Left to themselves, are usually quiet, reserved, and often relatively formal in their behavior, and frequently are not highly aware of how they might enliven the atmosphere or develop camaraderie and connections with others. LSIs might prototypically organize group events or precipitate a situation where emotional bonding might occur, but they are almost unable to create the bonding themselves; they need others to fill the situation with feeling, laughter, and fun. As LSIs sometimes devote themselves extensively to whatever they do, they may tend to build up a lot of emotional tension, which can only be released when somebody gives them a vivid reminder that there is more to life than their responsibilities. LSIs respect and admire people who are deeply passionate about things and care enough about them to instill their attitudes in others and try to get them involved. They can forgive a little unruliness, impulsivity, and disorderliness for the emotional value such people give them. LSIs sometimes tend to suffer from a deficit of passion and feel emotionally connected to the world mainly when they are around lively and emotional people who can generate a sense of kinship and group activity. Indeed, LSIs around passionate individuals can loosen up and moderate their usually stern lifestyle. It all sounds just like Jin


Captain of Frostheim House and heir to the influential Kamurai family. Though surly and arrogant, he is highly capable. Once the charismatic ruler of Frostheim, lately he spends his days locked away in his icy chambers, and few can even claim to have seen his face.
