1. 名人和角色
  2. 卡通
  3. Animatic Battle

Animatic MBTI性格类型


"Animatic是什么人格? Animatic是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - so/sp - 378,五大类型中的,Socionics中ILE类型。"

Long Analysis of his enneagram cuz, why not? Anyway, based on his lore, E3 makes more sense than E7 since way back on Object Fool he was intrigued with the idea of striving for fame as he then took away Eucerin to take the advantage of taking the spotlight on becoming the host he always dreamt of. In episodes 7-9, he roared the lines, “they thought they could block me OUT. I will get my FAME” and “I WILL TAKE YOUR PLACE FOREVER” which in stress, E3s will take on the characteristics of an unhealthy and apathetic E9. Unhealthy E3s tend to fear on failure and humiliation and as the stress progresses, E3s will tend to become overly opportunistic and will yearn to do something in return regardless in forcibly taking away someone’s achievement, which, Animatic did when he get rid of Eucerin(host from Object Fool) to take his place and despite seeing him as a neat guy(mentioned by Greeny)due to his obsessive demand on becoming popular and to retain his self-image even after his old contestants either left or died off from his former show. I also chose w4>w2 since he’s more concerned in developing his superiority complex than gaining the attention from helping others, plus, an unhealthy e4 can disintegrate into an e2 on becoming clingy and attention-seeking towards others in comparison to an unhealthy e2 who will then have the qualities of an e8 who would become irritable by becoming distrustful and aggressive (like BFB Four).

