1. 名人和角色
  2. 漫画
  3. Scott Pilgrim

Todd Ingram MBTI性格类型


"Todd Ingram是什么人格? Todd Ingram是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/sp - 873,五大类型中的RLUEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

•"Todd was composed and calculating, but conceited, arrogant, vain, and insensitive, as well as a terrible liar." •"Todd had a personal belief that he had immunity from all moral standards due to his rock star status, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with little caution." Is Todd a Ti dom? I think so, but his Se is quite advanced 💀💀, I believe his Ti manifests itself a little in his powers (especially in his battle with Scott and in that dialogue of the encounter between Envy and Scott)


Ramona's 3rd Evil Ex-Boyfriend Status: Incorrigible (Doesn't know the meaning of the word) (He really doesn't) Third Evil Ex and and the bass player of the superband The Clash at Demonhead and was the boyfriend and basset of its lead singer Envy Adams. He possesses psychic powers because of his devotion to veganism, but he's not particularly faithful to being a vegan... or to Envy for that matter.
