The General MBTI性格类型


"The General是什么人格? The General是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - 468,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中ILI类型。"


Leader of the Empire's military. Most likely to be portrayed sympathetically, The General could very well be a worthy opponent, though a General Ripper is also common if the setting runs on Black-and-White Morality. The General is usually portrayed as being competent, morality aside. Common for him to be The Dragon, The Brute and The Strategist rolled into one, though never an Evil Genius since his smarts come from his strategical and tactical abilities. In settings with more than one military branch (army, navy, air force) there can be more than one General.
