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  3. Chinese Traditional

Taotie (饕餮) MBTI性格类型


"Taotie (饕餮)是什么人格? Taotie (饕餮)是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

很多人看到“享乐主义者”,便选择了E7,这是由于很多网站把E7描述成“享乐型”。事实上,E9更接近“享乐主义者”的描述,sp9w8被形容为“贪求舒适者”,他们通过物质享乐和纵欲来满足自己内心的宁静。 对于9号人格来说,他们核心的欲望是“平静”,9号通过纵欲(8)或者完美主义/楷模(1)来满足自己对舒适的追求。而9w8的核心需求是通过物质上的满足来填满生活的空虚感。现实生活中,有不少平日躺在床上、在家打游戏且追求舒适而不思进取的人,大多数是9w8,而不是7号。 sp9w8最关注环境的舒适度和身体的环境适应性,因为远离1,他们不够自律,容易过度追求舒适而导致出现严重的身体问题。在《西游记》中,猪八戒好色且贪吃,他对生活的追求仅是吃喝玩乐,不像孙悟空那样积极进取想办法解决问题,更不像唐僧那样信念坚定且坚守原则,也没有沙僧的忠心耿耿。遇到困难第一个跑的是猪八戒,而每次有物质相关的享乐,他会第一个冲上去。猪八戒是一个很典型的sp9w8。


The Taotie (Chinese: 饕餮) is an ancient Chinese mythological creature that was commonly emblazoned on bronze and other artifacts during the 1st millennium BC. Taotie are one of the "four evil creatures of the world". In Chinese classical texts such as the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", the fiend is named alongside the Hundun (混沌), Qiongqi (窮奇), and Taowu [zh] (檮杌).They are opposed by the Four Holy Creatures, the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger and Black Tortoise.The four fiends are also juxtaposed with the four benevolent animals which are Qilin (麒麟), Dragon (龍), Turtle (龜) and Fenghuang (鳳凰) The Taotie is often represented as a motif on dings, which are Chinese ritual bronze vessels from the Shang (1766-1046 BCE) and Zhou dynasties (1046–256 BCE).The design typically consists of a zoomorphic mask, described as being frontal, bilaterally symmetrical, with a pair of raised eyes and typically no lower jaw area. Some argue that the design can be traced back to jade pieces found at Neolithic sites belonging to the Liangzhu culture (3310–2250 BCE).There is also notable similarity with the painted pottery shards found at Lower Xiajiadian cultural sites (2200–1600 BCE).

类似Taotie (饕餮)的宗教名人
